Studio Policies & Procedures
- Try to come to class 10 minutes early to set up, use the bathroom, etc. We strive to start class on time.
- All clients must complete a registration form and liability release prior to joining any classes. Try to avoid eating 2 hours before class or keep it to a very light snack.
- Turn off cell phones prior to class.
- Wear comfortable clothing.
- We have yoga mats available for use during class, as well as mats and additional equipment for sale.
- Inform the instructor if you have any health concerns or if you're experiencing significant discomfort.
- If you are pregnant, please let the instructor know so he/she can be aware and possibly alter poses for the safety of you and your developing baby.
- Essential Wave Studios is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please make sure to check the surrounding area for any valuables prior to leaving class.
- Please help keep the area clean and dispose of waste in proper receptacles.
- Most classes are all level. Instructors will vary poses and exercises based on experience levels or give modifications.
- Please note: Intermediate classes are more advanced and we encourage a minimum of 10 classes before registering.
- Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you have any concerns regarding your practice, facility, and/or instructors, please inform us. Your comments will be kept confidential unless requested otherwise.